Lied |
Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
- In the meadow (Rosetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894)
- Silver (Mare, Walter de la, 1873-1956)
- Brooms (Aldis, Dorothy, 1896-1966)
- Clouds (Rosetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894)
- Who has seen the wind? (Rosetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894)
- Winter night (Benton, Patricia, 1907-1983)
- Rain in summer (Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1822)
- Rain (Eight-part round) (Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894)
- White Butterflies (Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837-1909)
- Mice (Fyleman, Rose, 1877-1957)
- Little turtle (Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931)
- What Robin told (Cooper, George, 1840-1927?)
- Thoughts about grasshoppers (Jacques, Florence Page, 1890-1972)
- Whisky frisky (unknown)
- Song: the owl (Tennyson, Alfred/Lord, 1809-1892)
- Oh, wind, blow softly (MacDonald, Golden = Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910-1952)
- Little singers (Hammond, E(leanor Prescott, 1866-1933) ?)
- Come little leaves (Cooper, George, 1840-1927?)
- Popcorn song (Turner, Nancy Byrd, 1880-1971)
- Long, long ago (A Christmas carol)
- Pippa's song (Browning,Robert, 1812-1889)
- In springtime (Weigl, Vally, 1894-1982)
- On the hobbyhorse (Weigl, Vally, 1894-1982)
- On a seesaw (Harris, Dee, ?-?)
- Where go the boats? (Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894)
- Static (Three-part round) (Winkle, Gertrude van, ?-?)
- Someone (Mare, Walter de la, 1873-1956)
- Elf and the dormouse (Herford, Oliver, 1860-1935)
- Fairies have never a penny to spend (Fyleman, Rose, 1877-1957)
- Wynken, blynken, and nod (Field, Eugene, 1850-1895)
- Night will never stay (Farjeon, Eleanor, 1881-1965))
- Rock-a-by lady (Field, Eugene, 1850-1895)
- Huntsmen (Mare, Walter de la, 1873-1956)
Salutation of the Dawn (1955) {Sanskrit}
[voice/violin (or clarinet)/piano (or organ)]
Four Songs (1962)
[children’s or women’s voices (either chorus or soli)/piano]
1 (not included from an original set of five)
Long, Long Ago, a Christmas carol (1962)
[voice/soprano recorder (or flute)/piano]
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
4 Oh, Can You Hear The Thunder {Comp ?}
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
5 Halloween
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
3 Whisky Frisky
Swiftly along Flows the River (1969)
[medium voice/horn (or viola)/piano]
Brief Encounters (1977-1979; rev. 1979)
[clarinet (or trumpet, or mezzo-soprano vocalise)/flute (or oboe, or English horn)/horn/bassoon]
1 Lament [mez or cl/ob or ehn/hn]
2 Intermezzo [ob or fl/cl/hn/bsn)
3 Evolution [mez or cl/ob or ehn/hn]
4 Alla Danza [mez or cl/ob or ehn/hn]
5 Arioso [cl/ehn/hn]
6 Rondelette [mez or cl/ehn/hn]
7 Old Time Divertimento [tpt or cl/hn/bsn]
In Serious Mood (1977)
[medium-high voice and instruments (or just instruments)
From the Far Corners
Unchecked, the Hydra Rages On [voice/piano]
Aldis, Dorothy (1896-1966) |
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
2 Brooms
Bacon, Josephine Daskam (1876-1961) |
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
1 The Sleepy Song
Bail, Grace Shattuck (1898-1996) |
Birds in Springtime (1975)
[high (or medium-high) voice/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
Benton, Patricia (1907-1983) |
Echoes from Poems (1956-1958)
[mezzo-soprano (or baritone)/clarinet/horn (or cello)/violin (or flute)/piano]
1 The Singing of the Earth
2 Lantern in ther Snow
3 Winter Night
4 The Angelus
5 Of Heaven and Earth
Biesenkamp, Joseph “Joel Keith” (1901-1967) |
Songs of Concern (1967-1973)
[medium-high voice/obligato instruments (violin or flute)/piano]
1 Not Earth Alone
Blake, William (1757-1827) |
Pax Hominibus [voice(s)]
Blankner, Frederika Vern (1901-1989) |
Dear Earth, a quintet of poems (1956)
[baritone (or mezzo-soprano)/horn/violin/viola/cello]
1 Evolution
2 Redemption
3 Post Factum
4 Dear Earth
5 This Gift of Mine
Beyond Time. Song cycle (1956/71?)
[high voice (soprano or tenor)/flute (or clarinet, or violin)/piano]
1 Desert Is Not
2 Fill! Fill the Cup
3 Remainder
4 Happy Summer
5 Treasure
Madrigal (1959)
[five solo voices (or five-part mixed chorus)]
Lyrical Suite (1980)
[mezzo-soprano (or baritone)/flute (or clarinet, or violin)/cello/piano]
1 Tide Foam
2 Tryst
3 Open Book
4 Winter
5 O Love this Tree
6 April Woods
7 Query
Britain, Vera (1893-1970) |
When the Vision Dies (Perhaps) (1971)
[medium-high voice (flute (violin (clarinet)))/piano]
Browning,Robert (1812-1889) |
Pippa’s Song
[one or two voices/soprano recorder/piano]
Butts, Mary Francis (1890-1837) |
Winter Night
Claudius, Matthias (1740-1815) |
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
Der Tod (1936) [medium-high voice/piano]
Cooper, George (1840-1927?) |
Come, Little Leaves (1962)
[two voices/soprano (or alto) recorder/piano]
Four Songs (1962)
[children’s or women’s voices (either chorus or soli)/piano]
5 Come, Little Leaves
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
4 What Robin Told
Cowley, Malcolm (1898-1989) |
Firstborn (1941/51-52) [medium-high voice/piano]
Davies, Peter (*1931) |
Requiem for Allison (1971)
[mezzo-soprano/string quartet (or string orchestra)]
Dawson, Ernest (1867-1900) |
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
2 Vita Summa Brevis
Des Knaben Wunderhorn Brentano, Clemens (1778-1842) Arnim, Achim von (1781-1831) |
Liebster, Liebster, schläfst Du noch? (1916)
[medium voice/piano]
Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) |
Five Songs of Remembrance (1950-3)
[mezzo-soprano/flute (or violin, or clarinet)/piano]
[mezzo-soprano/string quartet]
1 Heart, We Will Forget Him
2 What Shall I Do When the Summer Troubles
3 Mother Nature
4 Wild Nights
5 If You Were Coming in the Fall
Oh, Lord of Mysteries (1982)
[medium voice/violin/cello] o. [medium voice/piano]
1 My Life Closed Twice
Doolittle, Hilda "H.D." (1886-1961) |
Black Arch of the Night (1979)
[medium voice/clarinet (or viola) obligato]
1 Lethe
Never More Will the Wind (1982)
[medium voice/clarinet/violin/cello]
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence (1872-1906) |
Oh, Love Doth Make the Day (1981)
[medium (or high) voice/piano]
Edey, Marion (1880-1957) |
On the Top of the Hill (1957)
[voice/obligate Instrumente]
Songs from "Do Not Awake Me" (1957)
[mezzo-soprano or baritone/violin (or flute, or clarinet)/piano]
1 Evening Out on the Rim
2 When We Awake Again
3 On the Top of the Hill
4 Ah, Angel!
5 The Quiet House
6 I Felt the Autumn Grieve Me
7 The Wings of the Morning
Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965) |
Night Will Never Stay (1942)
[two voices (or soprano recorders or flutes)/piano]
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
5 Down!Down!
Field, Eugene (1850-1895) |
Rock-a-By Lady (1961)
[medium voice/recorder/piano]
Wynken, Blyken, and Nod (1961)
[one or two medium voices/recorder/piano]
Fischer, Clara (1811-1898) |
Thanks (1967)
[medium-high voice (mezzo-soprano or baritone)/piano]
Mother’s Day (1968) [voice/piano]
Listen (1971) [medium-high voice/piano]
Frost, Robert (1874-1963) |
Come In [medium-high voice/piano]
Fyleman, Rose (1877-1957) |
Fairies Have Never a Penny to Spend (1962)
[medium voice/piano]
Mice (1962) [medium voice/piano]
Giovanni, Fra (1433-1515) |
Christmas Message (1954/71?)
[medium-high voice/orgel (or piano)]
Hammond, E(leanor Prescott (1866-1933) ?) |
Little Singers
[medium voice/soprano recorder (or flute)/piano]
Harris, Dee (?-?) |
Four Songs (1962)
[children’s or women’s voices (either chorus or soli)/piano]
2 On a Seesaw
Herbert, George (1593-1633) |
My God, What Is a Heart (1978)
[three solo voices (or three-part chorus)]
Herford, Oliver (1860-1935) |
Elf and the Dormouse (1962) [medium voice/piano]
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674) |
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
7 A Child's Grace
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962) |
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
Regennacht (Rain at Night) (1972)
[low voice (alto or baritone)/cello/viola/piano]
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859-1936) |
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-77)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
2 The Cherry
Jacques, Florence Page (1890-1972) |
Thoughts about Grasshoppers
[medium voice/soprano recorder/flute/piano]
Jones, Mary Hoxie (1905-2003) |
Christmas Lullaby (1966)
[medium-high voice/piano]
Joyce, James (1882-1941) |
All Day I Hear the Noise of Water (1951)
[deep voice/piano]
Kennedy, Gerta (1913-1994) |
Songs from “Native Island” (1965)
[medium voice/piano]
[medium-high (or deep) voice/oboe (or clarinet, or violin)/piano]
Songs of Concern (1967-1973)
[medium-high voice/obligato instruments (violin or flute)/piano]
3 Lullaby
4 Grave Song
Kihara, Koichi (1922-1979) |
Revelation (1980) [medium voice/string quartet]
Kinnell, Galway (1927-2014) |
How Many Nights (1975)
[medium-high voice/viola obligato/piano]
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) |
Seal Lullaby (1978)
[mezzo-soprano/piano/flute (or recorder)/oboe]
Levertov, Denise (1923-1997) |
Songs of Concern (1967-1973)
[medium-high voice/obligato instruments (violin or flute)/piano]
2 Who Is at My Window
Who Is at My Window (1968)
[medium voice/flute (or violin)/piano]
Black Arch of the Night (1979)
[medium voice/clarinet (or viola) obligato]
2 Under the Moon
Songs Newly Seen in the Dusk (1979)
[medium voice/string quartet (or cello solo)]
1 Hymn to Eros
2 The Fire in Leaf and Grass
3 Who Is at My Window
4 Living a Life
Oh, Lord of Mysteries (1982)
[medium voice/violin/cello] o. [medium voice/piano]
2 Death Psalm
3 Credo
Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931) |
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
5 The Little Turtle
List, Rudolf (1901-1979) |
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
Hoffnungsschimmer (1937/rev. 1971)
[alto (or baritone)/viola (or violin)/piano]
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1822) |
Rain in Summer (1961) [medium voice/piano]
Maar, Oscar (?-?) |
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
Autumn Mood (1948) [medium voice/piano]
MacDonald, Golden = Brown, Margaret Wise (1910-1952) |
Oh, wind, blow softly
s. Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Mare, Walter de la (1873-1956) |
Huntsmen (1960) [medium voice/recorder/piano]
Silver (1961) [medium voice/recorder/piano]
s. Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Marshall, Lenore (1899-1971) |
Songs from “No Boundary” (1963)
[medium voice/violin (or clarinet, or flute)/cello/piano]
1 Cricket Song
2 Song from the Meadow’s End
3 Shell Song
4 New Born
5 April
Mason, Tyler = M.-Manheim, Madeline (1908-1990) |
City Birds (1957)
[mezzo-soprano (or baritone)/flute/clarinet/piano]
from "The Cage of Years"
Nesbit, Evelyn (1884-1967) |
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
3 Baby Seed
Patchen, Kenneth (1911-1972) |
Songs of Concern (1967-1973)
[medium-high voice/obligato instruments (violin or flute)/piano]
5 I Have Lighted the Candles
Porter, Kenneth (1905-1981) |
Thistle, Yarrow, Clover (1975)
[medium-high voice/piano]
Regen, Rosalie Stork (1909-1993) |
Black Arch of the Night (1979)
[medium voice/clarinet (or viola) obligato]
3 On a Ship at Night
5 Horses at Night
Richardson, Frances Brogan (?-)) |
Black Arch of the Night (1979)
[medium voice/clarinet (or viola) obligato]
4 The Screech Owl
Rosenblatt, Herta (1903-2006) |
Songs from the Somerset Hills (1977)
[mezzo-soprano/alto/tenor/bass/piano (or mezzo-soprano and piano)]
[mixed chorus (or solo mezzo-soprano)/piano]
1 June Hush
2 Spring in the Hills
3 After the Flowers
Rosetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894) |
Who has Seen the Wind? (1945)
[voice/flute (or recorder)/piano]
[three-part women’s chorus/piano/flute (or violin)]
Four Songs (1962)
[children’s or women’s voices (either chorus or soli)/piano]
3 Clouds
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-77)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
4 When I Am Dead, My Dearest
In the Meadow [voice/soprano recorder/piano]
Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967) |
Songs of Love and Leaving. Song cycle (1965-1980)
[one (or two) medium voice(s) (mezzo-soprano or baritone)/violin/viola (or clarinet)/piano]
1 Loam
2 Solo for Saturday Night Guitar
3 Calls
4 Valley Song
5 At a Window
6 Death Snips Proud Men by the Nose
7 And This Will be All?
8 Stars, Songs, Faces
9 Oh, Langsyne Plantation
10 Wind Horses
11 Peace, Night, Sleep
On Langsyne Plantation (1976)
[medium-high voice/clarinet (or violin)/piano]
Only the Moon Remembers. Song cycle
1 Lost
2 Fog
3 I Sang to You
4 Calls
5 Sunset
- [mezzo-soprano/oboe/clarinet/bassoon (or cello)] (1976/81?)
- [medium voice/oboe/clarinet/cello (or bassoon)] (1976/81?)
- [baritone (or mezzo-soprano)/flute (or violin, or clarinet)/piano] (1977)
Playthings of the Wind (1978)
[baritone/mezzo-soprano/clarinet (viola)/piano]
Lost (1981) [mezzo-soprano/oboe/bassoon (cello)]
Mist Marches across the Valley
Rabbles of Tattered Leaves
The Year
Schlichter, Norman (?-?) |
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
6 A Sledding Song
Segal, Edith (1902-1997) |
Songs from "Take My Hand" (1975)
[mezzo-soprano or baritone/flute (or violin, or clarinet)/bass clarinet (or cello)/piano]
1 I Saw Two Birds
2 Soon
3 Other Hearts
4 Other Summers
5 Challenge
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) |
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
1 It Was a Lover & His Lass
Shybner (?), Elsie (1886 ?-1972 ?) |
Frühling (1968) [medium-high voice/piano]
Smith, Chard Powers (1894-1977) |
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-19)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
6 Epitaph
Stephens, James (1882-1950) |
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
6 The Rivals
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
6 The White Window
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) |
Where Go the Boats (1960) [voice/recorder/pf]
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
2 Two Short Five-Part Rounds: b Happy Thought
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
4 Wishes
Rain (Eight-part round)
s. Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909) |
Four Songs (1962)
[children’s or women’s voices (either chorus or soli)/piano]
4 White Butterflies
Tabb, John Bannister (1845-1909) |
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-77)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
1 Out of the Dark
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941) |
Peace, My Heart (1982)
[medium-high voice/violin/cello (or piano)]
Tennyson, Alfred/Lord (1809-1892) |
Song: the owl
s. Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Turner, Nancy Byrd (1880-1971) |
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
7 The Popcorn Song
Watson, Sir William (1858-1935) |
Seven Rounds in Various Moods (1965)
[medium-high voice/piano]
3 Song in April
Wegner, Armin T. (1886-1878) |
Gebet vor Abend (1961) [medium-high voice/piano]
Weigl, Etta Ruth (1922-2014) |
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-77)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
3 A Conceit of Spring
Cardinal in March (1975)
[high (or medium-high) voice/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
In Springtime (1931)
[medium-high voice/flute/piano]
Christchild’s Lullaby (1940)
[two women’s voices (or two-part women’s chorus)/piano]
[mezzo-soprano/flue (or oboe)/piano]
Nightfall in the Mountains (1975)
[medium-high voice/viola (or violin)/piano]
Erinnerung an Tirol (1978)
[medium-high voice/piano]
Memories of the Tyrol (1978)
[soprano (or tenor)/piano (or harp)]
Seven Songs [medium voice/piano]
1 On the Hobby Horse
Winkle, Gertrude van (?-?) |
Static (Three-part round)
s. Songs for a Child (1962)
[voice/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Wolfe, Humbert (1885-1940) |
Along the Moving Darkness. Song cycle (1965-77)
[medium-high voice/flute (or violin, or oboe)/piano]
5 The Blackbird
Woodbourne, Harry = Litwin, Harry (1892-1962) |
Nature Moods (1956)
[high voice/flute/clarinet/violin (or viola)]
[high voice/flute (or clarinet)/violin (or cello)/piano]
1 Whippoorwill
2 Winter Reverie
3 Afterthoughts
4 Insect Orchestra
5 Gardener’s Prayer
Seeking You (1957)
[medium-low voice/flute (or violin)/piano]
Wynne, Annette (?-?) |
Little Songs for Little Vally (1963)
[1 (or two) voices/flute (or recorder)/piano]
2 Two Short Five-Part Rounds: a The House Cat
[koruso] |
Hymn (1941) [mixed chorus a cappella]
Hymnus (1941/2)
[five-part mixed chorus a cappella]
Hymn (1944) [five-part chorus a cappella]
Shepherdess Moon (1946)
[three-part women’s chorus/piano]
Psalm 130 (1950)
[three-part women’s chorus/tenor solo/piano]
Benediction (1958) [mixed chorus a cappella]
Hear Ye, All Ye Peoples (Psalm 49) (1958/60)
[mixed chorus/solo voices ad lib./piano]
Road to Peace (1969) [unison chorus/piano]
Middleschool Canons [four-part children’s chorus]
Oh, Wind, Blow Softly
[two-part women’s or children’s chorus (or two solo voices)/recorder (or flute)/piano]
Bail, Grace Shattuck (1898-1996) |
Harbingers of Spring (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
5 Birds in Spring Time
Benton, Patricia (1907-1983) |
Two Choruses (1958)
[four-part mixed chorus a cappella]
Three Choral Songs of the Southwest (1958)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
1 Life Chant
2 Desert Lullaby
3 Latern in the snow
Blankner, Frederika Vern (1901-1989) |
Our World is One (1956)
[mixed chorus/piano ad lib.]
Thou Art the Way (1958)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
[mixed chorus a cappella/organ]
Madrigal (1959) [five-part mixed chorus]
Along the Way (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)]
1 Madrigal
Boulding, Kenneth Ewart (1910-1993) |
Shelter for All (1963)
[mixed chorus/piano/solo voices/speaker]
Carpenter, Rhys (1889-1980) |
Who Bids Us Sing (1946)
[three-part women’s chorus, and flute (clarinet or violin), and piano]
Harbingers of Spring (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
3 Who Bids Us Sing
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936) |
Christmas Carol (1957)
[three women’s voices]
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Clark, Thomas Curtis (1827-1901) |
Who Goes There Through the Night? (1969)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Collins, Ethel (?-?) |
Christmas Legend (1956) [mixed chorus a cappella]
Cummings, Edward Estlin (1894-1962) |
In Just Spring (1963)
[mixed chorus (or solo voices) a cappella]
Davidson, Richard (?-?) |
Let My Country Awake (1967)
[four solo voices/speaker/chorus/piano]
Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) |
From Time and Eternity (1952)
[five-part mixed chorus a cappella]
Let Down the Bars, O Death (1958)
[four-part men’s chorus (or solo voices) a cappella]
Dyke, Henry van (1852-1933) |
Day and Night (1973)
[mixed chorus a cappella and mezzo-soprano (tenor solo)]
Edey, Marion (1880-1957) |
Harbingers of Spring (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
4 On the Top of the Hill
Ellerton, John (1826-1893) |
This Is the Day of Light. Anthem (1945)
[mixed chorus and organ (or piano)]
Golden, John (1874-1955) |
All Faith Prayer for Peace (1955)
[mixed chorus/piano]
Guiterman, Arthur (1871-1943) |
Bless the Four Corners of this House (1969)
[mixed chorus/piano]
Hagemeyer, Dora (1891-1989) |
Easter Morning (1957)
[mixed chorus (or solo voices)/organ (or piano)]
Ha-Levi, Judah (1075-1141) |
Samuel, Maurice (1895-1972) |
To Zion
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/baritone solo/piano]
Hạnh, Thích Nhất (*1926) |
Night of Prayer (1972)
[mixed chorus a cappella and solo voices]
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674) |
Three Easy Rounds (1968)
[three or four solo voices (or chorus)]
3 A Child's Grace
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962) |
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
An die Schönheit (1936)
[mixed chorus/horn/piano (or strings)]
Jones, Mary Hoxie (1905-2003) |
Christmas in the Holy Land (1957/66?)
[mixed chorus/piano]
Jones, Melvin W. (?-?) |
Te Deum (1957)
[mixed chorus (or solo voices)/piano]
Keats, John (1795-1821) |
Fairy Song (1944)
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Levertov, Denise (1923-1997) |
Ballad of My Father (1968)
[mixed chorus/solo voices/piano]
Löns, Hermann (1866-1914) |
Heart’s Content (1938/44?)
[mixed chorus (or three-part women’s chorus) a cappella]
Lo, Somewhere [mixed chorus a cappella]
Mare, Walter de la (1873-1956) |
Song of the Shadows (1969)
[mixed chorus/piano]
Marshall, Lenore (1899-1971) |
Harbingers of Spring (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
2 April
O’Shoughnessy, Arthur (1844-1881) |
We Are the Musicmakers. Ode (1966)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Quick, Dorothy (1896-1962) |
Springtide (Two Lyrical Poems) (1943/79?)
[solo voices/flute (or clarinet)/piano/percussion]
1 What Once the Heart Has Loved
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Two Choral Songs (1956)
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Still Will Be (1956)
[five-part mixed chorus a cappella]
Let There Be Music (1960)
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Along the Way (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)]
3 Bold heart
4 What once the heart has loved
Reese, Lizette Woodworth (1856-1935) |
Christmas Folksong (1945)
[three solo voices]
[three-part women’s chorus/piano]
Little Jesus Came to Town (1946)
a Christmas folk song
[three-part women’s chorus/piano]
Rosetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894) |
Oh! Fair to See (1969) [mixed chorus a cappella]
Sandburg, Carl (1878-1967) |
Four Choral Songs on Death and Man (1946-1953)
[mixed chorus/piano/snare drum/timpani]
[mixed chorus a cappella]
- Cool Tombs [SATB/piano/drums]
- Grass [SATB/piano]
- Under the Harvest Moon [SATB a cappella]
- Shenandoah [SATB/piano/drums]
Sea Sunsets (1975)
[women’s chorus/flute (or clarinet, or violin)/piano]
I Am the People, the Mob (1976)
[mixed chorus/trumpet/trombone/timpani]
People Is a Polychrome (1976)
[mixed chorus a capella]
People, Yes! (Cantata) (1976)
[solo voices/mixed chorus/trumpet/Posaune/flute (clarinet)/percussion/piano/string quartet]
Segal, Edith (1902-1997) |
Spring’s Return (1977)
[three-part women’s chorus/soprano solo/tambourine/castagnettes]
Along the Way (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)]
2 Along the way
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) |
Fear No More (1953)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822) |
Ode to the Westwind (1979)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) |
Nightwind (1942) [mixed chorus a capella]
Three Easy Rounds (1968)
[three or four solo voices (or chorus)]
2 Wishes
Thompson, James (1700-1748) |
Gifts (1967) [mixed chorus/piano]
Thurman, Howard (1899-1981) |
When the Song of the Angels Is Stilled (1966)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Turner, Nancy Byrd (1880-1971) |
Springtide (Two Lyrical Poems) (1943/79?)
[solo voices/flute (or clarinet)/piano/percussion]
2 Not Avalon in April
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
No Loveliness Is Ever Lost (1945)
[mixed chorus/solo voices]
Watson, Sir William (1858-1935) |
Three Easy Rounds (1968)
[three or four solo voices (or chorus)]
1 April, April!
Weigl, Etta Ruth (1922-2014) |
Harbingers of Spring (1979)
[three-part women’s chorus (or three solo voices)/flute (or clarinet)/piano]
1 Cardinal in March
Weigl, Vally (1894-1982) |
Saint Francis (1945)
[three-part women’s chorus and flute (violin)]
Song of Hope (1957)
[three-part women’s chorus a cappella]
Practical Earth Satellites (1958)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
And So the Miracle Came to Pass (1960)
[unison chorus/piano]
On Christmas Eve (1965) [mixed chorus/piano]
Choruses of Concern (1970)
[SATB or unison chorus (or medium)/guitar]
1 Let my Country Wake
2 The Drums of War
3 The Ballad of My Father
4 Te Deum
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892) |
Peace Hymn (1956) [women’s chorus/piano]
Yarnall, Elizabeth Biddle (1897-1975) |
O Seed of God in Humankind (1952)
[mixed chorus a cappella]
Friends Society |
Prayer for Peace (1982) [mixed chorus a cappella]
Weigl, Karl (1881-1949) |
Four Seasons (1937)
A folk, song, and dance cantata
[children’s chorus (or three-part women’s chorus)/piano]