Līdaks, Kārlis
*1893/7/27 @ LV - Riga
†1942/6/29 @ RUS - Norilsk
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Biographisches etc.:
Kārlis Līdaka, grandson of the composer, wrote on 2020/05/28:
I have compiled and published granddad's biography in Latvian, including all the presently available references with a summary of his biography
in English in this global virtual encyclopedia website.
1. Kārlis Līdaks graduated Riga School of Commerce on June 5, 1912. From the age of 14 (in 1907) he has been elected a conductor of the Šampēteris Sunday School Choir of the Āgenskalns Baptist Church in Rīga. He did not study or graduate the Latvian Conservatory, but being self-taught in many ways, on 19 January 1923 he passed tests at the Latvian Conservatory proving his ability to teach music, especially choir singing in secondary schools. By the decision on 11 September 1923 of the Latvian Ministry of Education School Department's Secondary School Teachers Evaluation Commission Kārlis Līdaks was approved as a secondary school teacher candidate with rights to teach singing. From 1922 to 1933 and from 1937 to 1940 he was a teacher of music at the Theological Seminary of The Union of Baptist Churches in Latvia (UBCL). He founded and conducted the Seminary's String Orchestra;
2. He was arrested by the Soviets on June 14, 1941 in Gulbene, Latvia. At the time of his arrest, Kārlis Līdaks was a Red Army Major, an Accountant at the Finance Section of the 181st Rifle Division in the Red Army 24th Territorial Rifle Corps. After his arrest he was deported to Krasnoyarsk Region, to the USSR People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs Norilsk Correctional Camp and imprisoned in Norilsk. He was shot in Norilsk on June 29, 1942.;
3. By the decision of the Taimir District Court of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) of December 23, 1941, Kārlis Līdaks was sentenced to 10 years in a correctional camp and to the maximum penalty - death by shooting. On 5 October 1960, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the USSR adopted a decision overturning Kārlis Līdaks conviction and terminated the criminal case due to the lack of evidence, posthumously rehabilitating him.
Klause, Inna - (s.a. researchgate.net):
Der Klang des Gulag: Musik und Musiker in den sowjetischen ...
aus der im Anhang befindlichen
Tabelle der von 1920 bis 1959 in der Sowjetunion verhafteten und inhaftierten Komponisten
Name, Lebensdaten mit Ortsangabe
Līdaks Kārlis,1893 (Riga) – 1942 (Norilsk)
›Nationalität‹, Ausbildung
Lette, Konservatorium Riga
Datum der Verhaftung, damaliger Wohnort
Verurteilendes Gremium, Datum der Verurteilung, Begründung, Urteil
Tod durch Erschießen
http://vip.latnet.lv/lpra/muziki.htm, letzter Zugriff am 2. Juni 2011.
- timenote.info
- geni.com
Kārlis Līdaka, grandson of the composer, wrote on 2020/05/29:
Some of the scores of his compositions have been digitized and are available online in his biography website; a few of his song records are available on YouTube.
One of his compositions, the song “Svēts!” , which could be translated as Sainted, and was composed in Riga, Latvia on 11 August 1922, using Osvalds Legzdiņš’ poem “Ceļnieks uz debess mājām” (A Traveler to the Heavenly House).
It was translated as “Deus” in Portuguese by a Latvian Arturs Lakševics (Arthur Lakschevitz), who emigrated to Brasil in 1920s and had compiled and published a book of sacred songs "Coros sacros; hinos especiais para coros". The song is still very popular and often performed at least in Brazilian baptist circles .
This song has also been translated in Russian by Jānis (Ivans) Večeroks (Иван Вечерок), a pre-WW2 conductor of the Russian Congregation's Choir at Riga Temple of Salvation Baptist Church (Rīgas Pestīšanas tempļa baptistu draudze); records of this song, sung in Russian as well as Belorussian are available on Youtube:
(in Russian), (in Belorussian).
A list of my granddad's compositions (in Latvian) that were systematized by my late grandmother Emīlija Līdaka. I've digitized, clarified and supplemented them using now available online etc. resources. - viaf.org: 305061314
- dnb.de: ?
- worldcat.org: ?
- worldcat.org
- musicabaltica.com