Berger, Jean
*1909/9/27 @ D - NRW - Hamm
†2002/5/28 @ USA - CO - Denver
eingebettet von |
σπορόφυτο / sporófyto
Thomas Schipperges:
»Jean Berger (1909-2002). Komponist, Chorleiter, Musikwissenschaftler, Verleger.
Oder: Auf der Suche nach Artur Schloßberg. Zugleich ein Nachtrag zu Die Akte Heinrich Besseler (München 2005)«
Musik in Baden-Württemberg. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, hrsg. von Gabriele Busch-Salmen, Walter Salmen und Markus Zepf; Band 15 (Strube-Verlag München 2008); S. 65-107
mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Herrn Prof. Thomas Schipperges,
Frau Dr. Gabriele Busch-Salmen und Herrn Dr. Klaus Peter Leitner
"Wer kennt Jean Berger ?", von Laila Weiland,
in: Westfälischer Anzeiger 8. Januar 2012.
mit bestem Dank an Laila Weiland für die Zurverfügungstellung und freundlicher Genehmigung des Westfälischen Anzeigers
Biographisches etc.:
- LexM / Institut für Historische Musikwissenschaft der Universität Hamburg
- Wikipedia
American Choral Directors Association: "Jran Berger To Speak At Convention" [März 1962]
- mit einer Fülle bemerkenswerter Zitate, z.B.:
« …if I judge correctly, the living composer in Germany - probably in all of Western Europe - is not expected to write music that can please. Tradition has it that government resources keep the species alive but though he is expected - or she, for that matter - to produce new works, nobody expects to like it. »
« Most journalists will ignore that vast numbers of people passionately involved in music-making in this country - even if they receive no money from it - these are the people who clamor for new music, whereas our 'professional groups,' symphony orchestras, etc., are quite content with rehashing the same old repertoire. A 2001 program could have been performed just as well in 1901. » - American Music Research Center - College of Music - University of Colorado at Boulder
Journal - Volume 18 2010
- Riis, Thomas L.
- Giedl, Linda L.
Jean Berger (1909–2002): A Biographical Chronology
- Hess, Carol A.
Jean Berger: A “Good Neighbor” in the United States
- Composer Meets Critic, Part Two: Selected Excerpts of the Jean Berger/Henry Pleasants Correspondence
with an introduction by Giedl, Linda L.
- Maccluskey, Tom
In Honor of Jean Berger and His Gifts
s.a. Journal-Liste - Berger, Jean, Collection (1909-2002):, s.a. -
Jean Berger @ 1. Leipziger Universitätsmusiktage. 25. Mai bis 29. Mai 1994:
"... Erst dirigierte der Deutschamerikaner Jean Berger sein szenisches Oratorium „Yiphtah and his daughter", ..." [p8 pdf10]
Journal / Universität Leipzig - 1994,4
s.a. > "1994" und Programmheft
mit bestem Dank an Christina Balciunas
für die Zurverfügungstellung und
freundlicher Genehmigung der Universität Leipzig - « Eine wesentliche Bereicherung unseres Chorlebens stellte auch die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem US-amerikanischen Komponisten Jean Berger dar, an deren Ende er fünf Texte der Jenaer Liederhandschrift aus dem Mittelalter vertont und den Jena Jubilee Singers gewidmet hat (1997). Dieses Werk wurde unter seiner Leitung in unserer Heimatstadt uraufgeführt. »
- Briefwechsel Jean Berger mit Armin Fett, Nachlass Armin Fett / Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen
- Briefwechsel Jean Berger mit Alois Melichar, Nachlass Alois Melichar / Münchner Stadtbibliothek - Monacensia
- Six Lettres de Jean Berger à Louis Saguer, 8 décembre 1949 - 27 avril 1977 [Texte manuscrit]
- Social Networks and Archival Context
- Rita Berger: und
- Jonathan Emanuel Berger:
Fotos: Jean und Rita / Rita und Jon
Werkverzeichnis(se) etc.:
Lied | |
Two Vocalises (1942/1977) 1 Etude [voice (or violoncello)/piano] 2 Cantiga (Toadinha : A Little song) [voice/piano] | |
{germana} | |
Fünf Chorsätze für gemischten Chor a cappella auf Texte der Jenaer Liederhandschrift [Choir a cappella] | |
{franca} | |
Ne joue pas avec mon coeur (1935) [voice/organ] | |
Sainte Catherine: Chanson populaire de Savoie (1936) [voice/piano] | |
Cinq chants populaires palestiniens (1937) [voice/piano] | |
Deux mélodies (1939) [voix graves/piano] | |
Trois Poésies traduites du chinois (1940?) [voice/piano] | |
Quatre chansons (194?) [voice/piano] | |
Dix airs d'chez nous (1942) [?] | |
Après ai qu'en chantant [voice/strings/woodwinds] | |
Fille dans la tour. Chanson populaire de Bourg-Saint-Maurice [voice/piano] | |
Pernette [voice/piano] | |
Chansonnier de femme (1992) [voice/piano] [vgl. Chanson de femme] | |
Anonymous | |
Chansons de femme [voice/piano]
- La Perronnelle - Pourquoi me bat mon mari? | |
Arcos, René (1880-1959) | |
Sang des autres (Other Men's Blood) [SATB a cappella] - A la mémoire d'un ami - Crise d'effectifs - «Les» morts (s. 1936 und 1937) | |
Avril, Hugues (?-?) | |
Carguez les voiles. Chanson de matelot (1936) [voice/piano] | |
Faucheur sinistre. Chanson populaire allemande [voice/piano] | |
Les Faucheurs. Lous Dolhaires (Massif central) [voice/piano] {s.a. Faucheur sinistre} | |
Baïf, Jean Antoine de (1532-1589) | |
Quatre chants d'amour (1937)
[voice/piano] - Vivons mignarde | |
Bellay, Joachim du (1522-60) | |
Quatre chants d'amour (1937)
[voice/piano] - Qui nombré a | |
Charles d’Orléans (1394-1465) | |
Chansons de femme [voice/piano]
- Je ne prise point tels baisers - Logez-moi entre vos bras | |
Quatre chants d'amour (1937)
[voice/piano] - C'est lait, il n'en laut plus parler | |
Six Rondeaux (1962) [voice/viola] - Le premier jour du mois de Mai - Gardez le trait de la fenêtre - Fuyez le trait de Doux Regard - Hiver, vous n'êtes qu'un vilain - C'est fait, il n'en faut plus parler - Puix ça, puis là | |
Deschamps, Eustache (1346-1406/7) | |
Chansons de femme [voice/piano]
- Suis-je belle? | |
Fourest, Georges (1864-1945) | |
Petits lapons (1936) [voice/piano] | |
Labé, Louise (1524-1566) | |
Deux sonnets de Louise Labé (1936) [SATB ?; s.u.] [vgl. Chanson de femme] | |
Sonnets de Louise Labé (1990) [soprano/violin/viola/cello] {original version 1936, for quartet of women's voices} - Ne reprenez, Dames - Je vie, je meurs - Pour le retour du soleil honorer | |
Machaut, Guillaume de (~1290-1377) | |
Quatre chants d'amour (1937)
[voice/piano] - Blanche comm' lys | |
Marot, Clément (1496-1544) | |
Trois Chansons (1982) [SATB a cappella]
- Quand vous voudrez faire une amie Whene'er You Think of Getting Married - Plus ne suis ce que j'ai été I Am No Longer Who I was - Tant que vivrai / While I Still Am | |
Nethy, Jean - pseud. de Némethy, Emmy de (?-?) | |
Belle Ilona (1936) [voice/piano] | |
Stuart, Mary [Queen of Scots] (1542-1587) | |
Five Songs (1948) [medium voice/flute/viola/cello]
- Pour lui j'ay mesprisé l'honneur - Car c'est le seul désir - Sans cesse mon cœur sent le regret - Vous m'estimez légère - O Domine Deus! | |
Thuile, Henri (1885-1960) | |
Cinq melodies brèves (1937) [voice/piano]
- Panorama de l'hiver - Les nuages se baladent - Et toi, tu t'en venais - L'amour est frais comme une orange - J'ai sur la route d'Espagne | |
{hispana|portugala|latinamerika} | |
Andorinha Querida [voice/piano] | |
Argentina (Vidala) [voice/piano] | |
Fiesta [voice/piano] | |
Mocinha bemfeitinha [voice/piano] | |
Samba das Flores [voice/piano] | |
Ma Malia (1941) [voice/piano] | |
Adorai, Montanhas: All Ye Mountains (1942) [SATB/piano] | |
Cançao do Mineiro (1942) [voice/piano] | |
Cantiga (1942) [SATB/piano|voice/piano] | |
Six Portuguese Folk Songs: Seis Cançaoes Populares (1946/1974) [SATB a cappella] | |
Bailada (1966) [SSA/piano] | |
They All Dance the Samba (1966)
[SATB (solo voice)/piano] English version by Wager, Willis (1911-1991) | |
Tres Canciones (1968) [medium voice/piano (or viola and cello)] anonymous poems from the court of Ferdinand & Isabella - Ninguno cierre las puertas - Ay triste, que vengo - Ya cantan los gallos | |
Waiting in the Night (Voy de flor en flor) (1973) [SATB/percussion] | |
Portuguese Noel (1975) on a poem from the Portuguese folklore [SATB and Piano (Glockenspiel, ad libitum)] translated by Sutherland, Donald (?-?) | |
Ó Ai, Ó Linda (1976) on a poem from the Portuguese folklore [SATB and Piano w/ Mandolin] translated by Sutherland, Donald (?-?) | |
From Portugal : 3 songs on Portuguese folk poems (1986) [voice and piano] English words by Sutherland, Donald (?-?) - Apalpei o lado esquerdo = In my side no heart was beating - Chamas me tua vida = Ever your life you call me - Bailemos nós tres = Come dancing, sweet friends | |
Blanco-Amor, Eduardo (1897-1979) | |
Villanescas (1941) [voice/piano]
- La Madrecica - La Mariquita - El Callejón - El Despechado | |
Camões, Luís de (1524/5-1579/80) | |
Four Sonnets (1939) [medium voice/piano or string quartet] Portuguese and English words - Creou a natureza damas bellas = The beauteous ladies (Although the ancient poets) - Onde porei meus olhos = Where can I look (Where can eyes like mine) - Tanto de meu estado me acho incerto = I am confused (All of my life) - Formosos olhos = O! Splendid eyes (O lovely eyes) | |
Catulo da Paixão Cearense (1863-1946) | |
Finley, Lorraine Noel (1899-1972) | |
No Jardim [medium voice/piano] original English poem by Finley, Lorraine Noel (1899-1972) | |
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616) | |
Dos Cantos (1985) [medium voice (tenor ?)/piano] - Carta de Don Quijote a Dulcinea - La despedida de Sancho | |
Lima, Jorge de (1893-1953) | |
Cantigas: Hear the Singing (1941) [SATB a cappella] English version by Wager, Willis (1911-1991) | |
{usona} | |
A set of three (Old sayings) [SA/piano] - The longest day - Let every bird sing - ? | |
Ballad [voice/piano] | |
Barely Missed [voice/orchestra] | |
Does it Matter... [vocal line only] | |
Five Songs [voice/piano] | |
Four Epigrams [SATB/piano] | |
Good Neighbor Series [voice/piano] | |
Parrot from San Domingo [voice/piano] | |
Slow Waltz [voice/piano] | |
Twilight Star [voice/piano] | |
Two Whimseys [SATB/piano] | |
What Difference Does it Make? [voice/piano] | |
Three Miniatures (1943) [voice/piano] | |
Jeanne Must Come Again (1943) [voice/piano] | |
I Found a Castle (1947) [voice/piano] | |
Just a Little Word from You (1953) [voice/piano] | |
It Is Good to Be Merry (1955)
[SSAATTBB a cappella/soprano solo] | |
Five Canzonets (1956) [SATB a cappella]
- Snake baked a hoecake (1:48) - The Prune song (:49) - Grasshopper song (2:02) - Hobby horse (1:57) - The Frisco whale (1:02) | |
Mr. Finney's Turnip (1957) [SSA a cappella] | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 2 Dog Days Are In [4 equal voices] 5 There Were Two Cats at Kilkenny (traditional) [SSAABB] | |
Devotional Songs (1960/2) [SATB a cappella] Words in English and Pennsylvania Dutch 4 Speak to one another = Redet miteinander | |
Tale of a Dog and A Bee (1961) [SATB a cappella] | |
Facts (1963) [3 treble voices/piano] | |
Mock Turtle's Song (1963) [3 treble voices/piano] | |
Country Songs (1964) [SATB a cappella]
Texts from the Beloit Poetry Journal - Tarpen and toad - Purple hen - Uncle Jacks - Pumpkin song - Lonely woodpecker | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - Interlude 1 - Interlude 2 - The first of April (Poor Robin's Almanack, 1663) - Interlude 3 - It is the month of June - Interlude 4 - To every thing there is a season s.a. Ausschnitt | |
Of Mirth and Merriment (1967) [SATB a cappella] - The Peanut (Butter) Song (Two-part) / - Help yourself - Four farthings and a thimble (English proverb) - Betty Botta | |
Five Quotations (1968) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three Songs for Treble Voices and Piano (1968) [SSA/Piano] 1 Ring the bell 2 A man had a dog 3 Kangaroo | |
As For Man (1969) [SATB a cappella] - There is so much good | |
Haste Makes Waste (1969) [two-part equal voices/piano] | |
Mill Gains by Going (1963) [SATB a cappella] | |
There's No Luck Like Pluck (1969) [SATB a cappella] | |
Go Not for Every Grief to the Physician (1970) [SATB/piano] | |
Good, Better, Best (1970) [voice/piano] | |
It Is Sometimes Better to Give Your Apple Away (1970) [Unison or SA/piano] | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 1 ? | |
A Diversion (1971) [SATB/Piano/dancers] Words by various poets May be performed also as a choral cycle or piano suite. | |
Haste, Elegy and Wedlock. Three Duets (1971) [voices/piano] | |
Round After Round (1971) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three Poems (1971) [SATB/piano] | |
Three Whimsies (1971) [SATB a cappella] 1 Fleas 2 A year from now 3 King David and King Solomon | |
Two Chances (1971) [SATB/Bass] | |
Doublets (1972) [4 part voices (M or F)/2 flutes/double bass/cymbal/ snare drum/tambourine/triangle] 1 Let's imitate the horse 2 Let's eat | |
Every Jack Must Have His Jill (1972) [SATB/piano] | |
If a Man Die (1972) [SATB a cappella] | |
New Year Carol (1972) [SSAA/2 flutes/percussion] | |
Time Is Too Slow (1972) [SSAATBB/piano] | |
Better Lose the Saddle Than the Horse (1973) [SSA/piano] | |
Fin, Feather and Fur (1973) [SSA/piano] | |
Old Sayings (1973) - Time flies [SATB (double chorus) a cappella/percussion] | |
Diversion for Three (1974) [soprano/flute/piano] | |
Hope for Peace: after Entebbe (1976) [SATB/soloists a capella] | |
Believe It or Not: Old Superstitions (1976) [SATB a cappella] | |
The critic (1976) [treble voices/2 treble instruments/percussion] | |
Boo-Hoo at the Zoo (1977) [2 part voices/piano] 1 There once was a tiger 2 A frail quail 3 You can laugh at a giraffe | |
Diversion for a Consort of Singers and Players (1977) [SATB/3 stringed instruments or harpsichord or piano] | |
Knock on Wood! (1978) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three Part Songs (1978) [SATB a cappella] | |
Look before You Leap (1980) [SSA/piano] | |
Bio-Geometrics (1981) [SATB/piano] | |
Life Is Not a Dream (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Look at Life (1981) [SATB a cappella/tambourine] | |
Set of Five (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three for Chorus (1981) [SATB/flutes/bass/tambourine] | |
When I Hear the Robin Call (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three for Three (1982) [SAA a cappella] | |
Come Away (anthem) (1985) [chorus/organ (SATB a cappella ?)] | |
Twilight (1985) [SATB a cappella] | |
Bug for All Seasons (1986) [SS/piano] 1 ? 2 ? 3 Oh, oh, fall (The cricket) | |
Three More Bugs (1989) [SA/piano] 1 The ladybug 2 The ant 3 ? | |
Blame Not My Lute (1991) [high voice/piano] | |
Anonymous | |
Three Fancies (1941) [TTBB/piano] 3 If all the world were paper (1641) | |
Three Epigrams (1955) [SATB a cappella] - The bellman's song (1611) [SSAATTBB] - Grass of levity (1609) | |
Six Madrigals (1958) [SATB a cappella] auch: Set of airs (1990) [voice/piano] - Art thou that she (early 17th cent.) - Lost is my quiet (after 1620) | |
Three Choral Pieces (1958) [SSA/piano] - Three young rats | |
Three Choral Pieces On 17th Century Poems
(1964) [SATB/piano] - My wishes | |
Bits of Wisdom (1968) [SSA a cappella] - Good to begin well | |
Of Love (1969) [high voice/piano] - He or she that hopes to gain - A little ground well tilled - My love in her attire | |
Set of Songs (1969) [equal voices/piano duet] - Good for nothing - A wise old owl | |
Of Life (a choral cycle) (1973) [SATB/soloist/instrumental accompaniment: double bass/xylophone/flute/tambourine/timpani] - Man's life (17th century) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - While Adam slept / Anon. 18th cent. - When Eve did with the snake dispute Anon. 17th cent. | |
Meditations (1988) [voice/piano] - Grass of levity | |
Barnfield, Richard (1574-1620) | |
Man's Life Is Well Compared to a Feast (1963) [SATB a cappella] | |
Bartaud, A.L. (?-?) | |
Of Life (a choral cycle) (1973) [SATB/soloist/instrumental accompaniment: double bass/xylophone/flute/tambourine/timpani] - Life | |
Belloc, Hillaire (1870-1953) | |
Three Choral Pieces (1958) [SSA/piano] - Lord Heygate | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 6 The Dromedary [SATB/piano] 7 The Camelopard [2 equal voices/piano] | |
Child's Book of Beasts (1961) [SA or TB] Set I - The yak - The polar bear - The dromedary - The hippopotamus - The rhinoceros - The frog Set II - The lion - The tiger - The dodo - The whale - The big baboon - The elephant - The marmozet | |
Bentley, Edmund Clerihew (1875-1956) | |
Three Choral Pieces (1958) [SSA/piano] - Lord Clive | |
Blake, William (1757-1827) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - O autumn, laden with fruit | |
Boleyn, George {Viscount Rockford} (1504-1536) | |
Two Choral Elegies (1959) [SATB a cappella] - O death, rock me asleep | |
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1898) | |
Rejoice! (1967) [SATB a cappella] poems by Morris, William (1834-1896) & Bonar, Horatius (1808-1898) | |
Bourdillon, Francis William (1852-1921) | |
Night Has a Thousand Eyes (1973)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Brechbiel, Elizabeth (?-?) | |
Devotional Songs (1960/2) [SATB a cappella] Words in English and Pennsylvania Dutch 1 Thy word with me shall always stay | |
Brown, Marcia Joan (1918-2015) | |
Stone Soup (1975) [chorus/singers/dancers/players] | |
Browning, Robert (1812-1889) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - The year's at the spring | |
Brubacher, Maria (?-?) | |
Devotional Songs (1960/2) [SATB a cappella] Words in English and Pennsylvania Dutch 3 A rose touched by the sun's warm rays / / = Ein Blümlein wenn's die Sonne spüret | |
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - The melancholy days are come | |
Butts, Mary F. (1836-1902) | |
Devotional Songs (1960/2) [SATB a cappella] Words in English and Pennsylvania Dutch 5 Build a Little Fence of Trust | |
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620) | |
There Is a Garden in Her Face (1958) [SATB a cappella] | |
Tune Thy Music to Thy Heart (1976) [SATB a cappella] | |
Carew, Thomas (1595-1640) | |
Amoretti: Five Love Songs on Poems by 16th and 17th Century authors (1984) [voice/piano] - He that loves a rosy cheek | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 3 He that loves a rosy cheek | |
Carpenter, Alicia S. (1930-1990) | |
It's Not Fair (1981) [SSA/piano] | |
Catullus (84-54 vuZ) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - The sun may set and rise | |
Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770) | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 5 My love is dead | |
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1342/3-1400) | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 2 Let take a cat | |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - Swans sing before they die | |
Cornish, William (1465-1523) | |
Three Tudor Ayres (1961) [SATB a cappella] - Pleasure it was | |
Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667) | |
Horaz (65-8 vuZ) | |
Three Moralities (1963) [SATB a cappella] 1 Begin, be bold Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667) after Horaz (65-8 vuZ) | |
Cowper, Robert (~1465-1539/4) | |
Three Tudor Ayres (1961) [SATB a cappella] - In youth, in age | |
Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886) | |
Dickinson Poems [SATB/piano] 1 Belshazzar 2 To Make a Prairie 3 Answer July (Vidala) | |
If I Can Stop One Heart (1973) [SATB a cappella] | |
Dodge, H. C. (?-?) | |
Four Vignettes (1960) [SATB a cappella] 1 If | |
Donne, John (1572-1631) | |
No Man is an Island (1951) [SATB a cappella] | |
Meditations (1988) [voice/piano] - Any man's death | |
Dryden, John (1631-1700) | |
Instruments (1941) [medium high voice/piano] | |
Dryden, John (1631-1700) | |
Horaz (65-8 vuZ) | |
Happy Is the Man (1958) [SATB a cappella] s.a. Happy the Man (1977) [SATB a cappella] | |
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence (1872-1906) | |
Of Life (a choral cycle) (1973) [SATB/soloist/instrumental accompaniment: double bass/xylophone/flute/tambourine/timpani] - A crust of bread | |
When Storms Arise (1975) [SATB a cappella] | |
Ellis, George (1753-1815) | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 4 Seasons | |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) | |
Mountain and the Squirrel (1958) [SATB a cappella] | |
Erasmus von Rotterdam (1466-1536) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - Interlude | |
Farley, Robert (~1600-1640) | |
Three Fancies (1941) [TTBB/piano] 1 The Bounty of our age (1621) | |
Fayrfax, Robert (1464-1521) | |
Three Tudor Ayres (1961) [SATB a cappella] - That was my woe | |
Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688) | |
On Looks, On Love, On Marriage (1978) [SATB a cappella] 1 On Looks 2 On Love 3 On Marriage | |
Fontaine, Jean de La (1621-1695) | |
Three Fables for Acting and Dancing (1972)
[two part chorus/piano/2 flutes/string bass/tambourine/glockenspiel/celeste (or marimba)/triangle/finger cymbals/side drum] translation by Wright, E. (?-?) - The raven and the fox - The fox and the grapes - The grasshopper and the ant | |
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) | |
Wise Sayings (1967) [TB/piano] | |
Set of Songs (1969) [equal voices/piano duet] - For the want of a horseshoe nail / | |
The Poor Have Little (1977) [SATB/piano] | |
Ben Franklin's Wit and Wisdom (1989) [SATB/piano] | |
Frost, Robert (1874-1963) | |
Two Songs on Poems by Robert Frost (1948) [voice/piano] | |
Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - There is winter enough | |
As For Man (1969) [SATB a cappella] - Let him | |
Funaroff, Sol (1911-1942) | |
The exiles. A Cantata (1943) [Baritone or Alto/Mezzosoprano & Soprano Solos/ SSSAATTBB/2 Pianos/Percussion] | |
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins S. (1860-1935) | |
Birds of a Feather: an Entertainment in One Act (1970) [chorus/soloists/various instruments] Based on the poem "Similar cases". | |
Gower, John (~1330-1408) | |
Three Moralities (1963) [SATB a cappella] 2 Now here, now there | |
Herbert, George (1593-1633) | |
Three Ayres (1969) [SATB/piano] - Sweet day, so cool | |
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674) | |
Three Ayres (1969) [SATB/piano] - What I fancy, I approve | |
Heywood, John (~1497-~1580) | |
Villanellas (1961) [SATB a cappella] - John and his father | |
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - When Eve upon the first of men | |
Housman, A.E. (1859-1936) | |
Set of Songs (1969) [equal voices/piano duet] - Morning | |
Howard, H. [Earl of Surrey] (1516-1547) | |
Villanellas (1961) [SATB a cappella] - The sweet season | |
Hughes, Henry (~1602-~1652) | |
Amoretti: Five Love Songs on Poems by 16th and 17th Century authors (1984) [voice/piano] - Fain would I love | |
Hughes, Langston (1902-1967) | |
Four Songs (1947) [voice/piano] / / / / - Heart - Lonely People / / / [auch: Arr. for SATB chorus/(pno/gtr, cb ad lib)] - Carolina Cabin (1951) - In Time of Silver Rain (1951) | |
I've Known Rivers (1952) [TTBB a cappella] | |
Jerome, Jerome K. (1859-1927) | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 4 Let Your Boat of Life Be Light [SATB] | |
Keats, John (1795-1821) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - Interlude | |
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) | |
Just So (1970) [SATB a cappella] - The camel's hump - Butterflies - The race | |
Knevet, Ralph (1600-1671) | |
Three Choral Pieces On 17th Century Poems
(1964) [SATB/piano] - The burden - The mistake | |
Lawrence, D.H. (1885-1930) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - The flood of the north | |
Lee, W. Storrs (1906-2004) | |
Dear Aunt Phoebe (1952) [SSA/piano] | |
Fashions Change (1952) [SSA/piano] | |
For This Good Company (1952) [SATB/piano or organ] | |
Old Moby Dick (1953) [TTBB/piano] | |
She'd Be Good If She Could But She Can't (1953) [TTBB/piano] | |
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) | |
Bits of Wisdom (1968) [SSA a cappella] - When you've got an elephant | |
Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625) | |
Villanellas (1961) [SATB a cappella] - When I admire the rose | |
Of Love (1969) [high voice/piano] - When I admire the rose | |
Martial (40-103/4) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - Two aldermen, three lawyers | |
Maurier, George du (1834-1896) | |
Songs of Sadness and Gladness (1970) [SATB a cappella] 6 Farewell | |
May, Edward (17 Jhdt.) | |
Epigrams (1987) [voice/piano] - Behold my dearest | |
Miller, Peter (?-?) | |
Devotional Songs (1960/2) [SATB a cappella] Words in English and Pennsylvania Dutch 2 To do God's will = [Des Herren Willen thun] | |
Milton, John (1608-1674) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - In those vernal seasons of the year | |
Morris, William (1834-1896) | |
Rejoice! (1967) [SATB a cappella] poems by Morris, William (1834-1896) & Bonar, Horatius (1808-1898) | |
Motteux, Peter Anthony (1663-1718) | |
Four Vignettes (1960) [SATB a cappella] 4 Man is for Woman made | |
Nash, Ogden (1902-1971) | |
Who's Who in the Zoo (1972) [SATB/2 flutes] - The camel - The gander - The hippopotamus - The cow - The ant | |
Nash, Thomas (1567-1601) | |
In a Time of Pestilence (1945) [SATB a cappella/4 soloists (SATB[Baritone])] | |
Peele, George (1566-1596) | |
Six Madrigals (1958) [SATB a cappella] auch: Set of airs (1990) [voice/piano] - Harvester's song | |
Philipott, Thomas (~1438-1518) | |
Three Fancies (1941) [TTBB/piano] 2 On a spark of fire fixing on a gentlewoman's breast (1641) | |
Of Love (1969) [high voice/piano] - Fair Julia | |
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744) | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 8 The Fool and the Poet [SATB] | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter (1552-1618) | |
Even Such Is Time (1963) [SATB a cappella] | |
Fruit of the Vine (1976) [SATB a cappella] ? | |
Riley, James Whitcomb (1849-1916) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - O, it sets my heart a clickin' | |
Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894) | |
Good-Bye (1974) [(solo soprano ?/)SATB a cappella] | |
O Lord, Seek Us (1976) [SATB a cappella] | |
Saintsbury, George (1845-1933) | |
Fruit of the Vine (1976) [SATB a cappella] ? | |
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) | |
Shakespeare Hit - Parade (1942) [voice/piano] | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 1 This Is the State of Man [2-part chorus] | |
Three Roundelays (1962) [SATB a cappella] 1 For it so falls out (from Much ado about nothing) 2 The man that hath no music (from The merchant of Venice) 3 Jack shall have Jill (from A midsummer night's dream) | |
Of Mirth and Merriment (1967) [SATB a cappella] - Mirth and merriment (Taming of the shrew) | |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822) | |
Five Shelley Poems (1975) [voice/piano] - Where art thou? - The fountains mingle with the river - The flower that smiles today - Of times past - On a cat | |
Sidney, Sir Philip {Richard Sheridan} (1554-1586) | |
Six Madrigals (1958) [SATB a cappella] auch: Set of airs (1990) [voice/piano] - My true-love hath my heart / | |
Three Moralities (1963) [SATB a cappella] 3 Who shoots at the midday sun | |
Skelton, John (1460-1529) | |
Skelton Poems (1955) [SATB/baritone solo/piano]
- All noblemen of this take heed - Interlude - The manner of the world nowadays - Interlude - Falconer, thou art to blame - Justice est morte (et mort ?) - Interlude - Upon a dead man's head | |
Six Madrigals (1958) [SATB a cappella] auch: Set of airs (1990) [voice/piano] - To Mistress Isabel | |
Spenser, Edmund (~1552-1599) | |
Amoretti: Five Love Songs on Poems by 16th and 17th Century authors (1984) [voice/piano] - My love is like to ice | |
Stanton, Frank L. (1857-1927) | |
Set of Songs (1969) [equal voices/piano duet] - Roses | |
Stevens, H. P. (?-?) | |
Four Vignettes (1960) [SATB a cappella] 3 Why | |
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894) | |
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - Sing a song of seasons! / | |
Stoddard, Richard H. (1825-1903) | |
Old Sayings (1973) - The life of man [SATB a cappella/percussion] | |
Suckling, Sir John (1609-1641) | |
Amoretti: Five Love Songs on Poems by 16th and 17th Century authors (1984) [voice/piano] - I prithee send me back my heart | |
Three Ayres (1969) [SATB/piano] - Out upon it | |
Tabb, John B. (1845-1909) | |
Life Again (1976) [SATB/optional percussion] | |
Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892) | |
Minnie and Winnie (1957) [SSA a cappella] | |
Thomson, James (1700-1748) | |
Three Songs (1982) [medium high voice/piano] - Gifts - The vine - Song | |
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) | |
A different drummer (1973) [SSATBB/instruments] Acc. for "any suitable pair or combination of bass instruments : bassoons, cellos, double basses, etc." May also be performed on a keyboard instrument. | |
Thorne, ? (16th century) | |
O Mortal Man (1957) [SATB a cappella] {includes a hymn setting and an anthem setting of the text} | |
Tichborne, Chidiock (1558-1586) | |
Two Choral Elegies (1959) [SATB a cappella] - My prime of youth | |
Ware, Eugene Fitch (1841-1911) | |
Four Vignettes (1960) [SATB a cappella] 2 He and she [SAB] | |
Washbourne, Thomas (1606-1687) | |
Three Epigrams (1955) [SATB a cappella] - Upon a passing bell | |
Meditations (1988) [voice/piano] - Upon a passing bell | |
Wesley, John (1703-1791) | |
Bits of Wisdom (1968) [SSA a cappella] - Do all the good you can | |
Wesley, S. (?-?) and Ray, J. (?-?) | |
Of Life (a choral cycle) (1973) [SATB/soloist/instrumental accompaniment: double bass/xylophone/flute/tambourine/timpani] - The way of the world | |
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892) | |
Behind the Cloud (1966) [SATB a cappella] | |
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (1850-1919) | |
Test of the Heart: Smile Through Tears (1966) [Ms] [SATB a cappella] | |
Wilson, Robert (~1540-1600) | |
Villanellas (1961) [SATB a cappella] - New brooms | |
Wither, George (1588-1667) | |
What Care I (madrigal) (1978) [SATB a cappella] | |
Wyatt, Thomas (1503-1542) | |
Six Madrigals (1958) [SATB a cappella] auch: Set of airs (1990) [voice/piano] - I find no peace | |
Villanellas (1961) [SATB a cappella] - Throughout the world - A face that should content me | |
Amoretti: Five Love Songs on Poems by 16th and 17th Century authors (1984) [voice/piano] - A face that should content me wondrous well | |
{hebrea} | |
Five Songs of Israel (1973) [unison chorus/solo voice/piano] - B'tel khai Bagalil - Bo'u n'saper - Hagamal - Rad halaila - Shimku Biy'rushalayim | |
{religia} | |
Thy Kingdom Come (1951) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalms of Penitence (1952) [SATB/organ bzw. SATB/orchestra] | |
Glory Be to God (1954) [SATB a cappella] / | |
Take From Us, Lord (1954) [SATB a cappella] | |
O Sing to the Lord (1955) [SATB a cappella] | |
Prayer of Manasseh (1955) [SATB a cappella] | |
Three Anthems (1955) [SATB/solos/2 trumpets] 1 I will extol Thee, my God 2 ? 3 I will praise Thee, O Lord | |
Except the Lord the City Keep (1957) [SATB a cappella] | |
O Lord, Thou God of Israel (1957) [SATB a cappella] | |
Songs of Worship (1959) [SATB a cappella] - O magnify the Lord - Create in me a clean heart - We bow our heads in reverence | |
We Sanctify Thy Name (1959) [SSAATTBB a cappella] | |
Seek Ye the Lord (1960) [SATB a cappella] | |
Happy Are They That Dwell in Thy House (1961) [SATB a cappella] | |
Lord Is Righteous in All His Ways (1961) [SATB a cappella] | |
Magnificat (1961) [SATB/soprano solo/flute/tambourine/triangle] / | |
Pater Noster (1961) [SATB a cappella] Words in Latin | |
How Lovely Are Thy Tabernacles (1963) [SSAATTBB/soloist] | |
Hymns of Praise (1963) [SATB a cappella] 1 Blessed art Thou, O Lord 2 Thou hast given abundance to Thy servant 3 In Thy covenant does my heart rejoice from the Dead Sea scriptures; translated by Gaster, Theodor H. (1906-1992) | |
Benediction (1964) [SATB] | |
Sing Unto Him (1965) [SATB/organ] | |
They That Wait Upon the Lord (1965) [SATB a cappella] | |
Who Is Like Unto Thee? (1965) [SATB/organ] | |
How Brightly Beams the Morning Star (1966) [SATB/organ] Four choral settings of the Lutheran hymn "Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern" from the Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621) „Musae Sioniae“, 1609, 1619 and Drei Choralsaetze | |
Your Treasures In Heaven (1966) [SATB a cappella] | |
Praised Be Thou, O Lord (1967) [SATB a cappella] | |
Word of God (1968) [SATB a cappella] Based on "Dies sind die heylgen zehn Gebot by Martin Luther" | |
Sermon for Our Time (1970) [SATB/soprano or tenor solo/optional guitar accompaniment] | |
Yiphtah and His Daughter (1971) [solo soprano/baritone voices/speaking part (2)/SATB chorus/fl./tpt./perc./elec.pno./pno./cel./cb.] s.a. | |
All is Vanity (1973) [SATB/piano] | |
Two Laments (1973) [SATB/tenor solo, a cappella] 1 Man born of woman 2 All men are grass | |
Cherry Tree Carol. Liturgical Drama (1974) [SATB/keyboard/instruments/dancers] | |
Thou Alone Art Israel's Shield (1974) [SATB a cappella] | |
The Lord to Me a Shepherd Is (1975) [SATB/optional percussion and/or electric piano] "Conventional or electric piano; organ, ad lib." "Drum, hand drum, tambourine or similar percussion. Improvise freely." | |
Early in the Morning (1976) [SATB/piano/percussion] | |
The Lord Gives Wisdom (1977) [SATB a cappella] | |
Then Shalt Thou Understand (1979)
[SAATBB a cappella] | |
God Be in My Heart (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
He Who Gives to the Poor (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Prayer (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Welcome the Glorious King (1982) [SATB/organ or piano] | |
Blessed Be His Name (1984) [SATB a cappella] | |
For the Love of God: God is Love (1984) [SATB/piano (bass optional)] | |
Teach Us, Good Lord (1984) [SATB a cappella] | |
Who Is Like Unto Thee O Lord (1984) [SATB/organ] | |
Give a Man a Fish (1985) [SA/piano] | |
Let Us Now Build a Holy Place (1985) [SATB/organ] | |
Peace of the City (1985) [SATB/organ] | |
Time is Eternity (1990) [SATB/piano] | |
Sunday! (1997) [Mixed voices a cappella] | |
Gloria in excelsis Deo [choir ?] | |
I Lift Up My Eyes [SATB a cappella] | |
Jerusalem, My Happy Home: Hymn and Anthem [SATB/piano] | |
Lord, Save Us, We Perish [SATB a cappella] | |
Messianic Songs (1988) [voice/string quartet] - Glory be to God | |
Franz von Assisi (1181-1226) | |
Canticle of the Sun (1980) [SATB/viola/small percussion] translated by Arnold, Matthew (?-?) | |
Cantico de lo frate sole (1989) [voice/piano]
1 Altissimu, omnipotente, bonsignore 2 Et ellu e bellu et radiante cum 3 Laudato si, misignore 4 Laudato si, misignore 5 Beati quelli ke trovarane le tue | |
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674) | |
What Sweeter Music Can We Bring?
[SATB/piano (optional)] | |
King, Martin Luther (Jr.) (1929-1968) | |
Hope for Tomorrow (1956) [SATB or TTBB/piano] | |
Lee, Charlotte (?-?) | |
Our Hearts We Lift This Day [organ/SATB/piano] | |
(Saint) Teresa von Ávila (1515-1582) | |
Old Sayings (1973) - Let nothing disturb thee [SATB a cappella] transl. by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882) | |
Corinthians | |
1 Corinthians 13
Way of Charity: Charity (1966) [SATB a cappella] / / | |
Daniel | |
Fiery Furnace (1962) [SATB a cappella/5 Male Soloists] A cantata based on the book of Daniel "Wohl am weitesten auf das Gebiet des Neuen in der Musik wagte sich Berger in seiner dramatischen Kantate nach dem Buch Daniel The Fiery Furnace (1962) vor." in: Thomas SCHIPPERGES: »Jean Berger (1909-2002). Komponist, Chorleiter, Musikwissenschaftler, Verleger. Oder: Auf der Suche nach Artur Schloßberg. Zugleich ein Nachtrag zu Die Akte Heinrich Besseler (München 2005)«, Jahrbuch - Musik in Baden-Württemberg. Band 15 (2008). S. 65-107 | |
Ecclesiastes | |
Two Songs (1949) [soprano/tenor/piano]
1 Havel havelim 2 Lech echol b'simcha | |
Good of Contentment (1950) [SATB a cappella] | |
Kohelet 3.19/22 Ki mikreh (1950) [SATB a cappella] | |
Ecclesiastes 3
A song of seasons (1967)
[SATB/melodica/percussion] - To every thing there is a season | |
Isaiah | |
Vision of Peace (1948)
[SSAATB a cappella/A solo/SATB] | |
In Days to Come (1949) [SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 52:7 Highway of the Upright: Quam pulchri super montes (1952) [SATB a cappella or organ] | |
Isaiah 61:10-11 I Will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord (1959) [SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 6:8
Whom Shall I Send? (1962) [SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 62:11 Behold, the Lord Hath Proclaimed (1964) [SATB a cappella] | |
From Isaiah (1964) [SATB a cappella/piano] | |
Isaiah 52:7
How Beautiful Upon the Mountains
(1964) [SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 40:26
Lift up Your Eyes on High (1964)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Thy Light Is Come (1964) [SSA/flute/percussion] | |
Isaiah 43:2-3
I Will Be With Thee (1965)
[Solo/SATB a capella] | |
Isaiah 60
Arise, Shine (1965)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 12:2,5 Behold, God Is My Salvation (1965) [SATB a cappella] | |
And It Shall Come To Pass (1966) [SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 55:12
Ye Shall Go Out With Joy (1967)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Isaiah 40:6-8 Word of Our God Will Stand Forever (1985) [SATB/piano] | |
Isaiah 40:1-2
Messianic Songs (1988) [voice/string quartet] - Comfort ye my people | |
Jeremiah | |
Jeremiah 31:33-34
This is the Covenant (1972) [SATB/organ] | |
Job | |
Job 28
Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? (1965) [SATB a cappella] | |
Judith | |
Judith 15:9
Benedixerunt eam (1952)
Latin words [SATB a cappella] Piano reduction supplied | |
Luke | |
Luke 8:5-8 Parable of the Sower (1962) [SATB/organ] | |
Proverbs | |
Two Proverbs (All things that rise will fall) (1955) [a cappella: SATB/soprano solo] | |
Proverbs 9:1-6
Wisdom Hath Builded Her House (1958) [SSAATTBB a cappella] | |
Airs and Rounds (1959) [voices a capella/piano] 3 Proverbs (It/Fr/Lat/Eng) [SATB] | |
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust In the Lord (1960) [SATB a cappella] | |
From the Proverbs (1962) [SATB a cappella] (womöglich unter diesen) | |
Of Wisdom and Folly: Book of Proverbs (1964) [SATB a cappella] - All the days of the afflicted (Proverbs XV, 15 & 13) - Better it is to be of an humble spirit (Proverbs XVI, 19, 18, 9) - Go to the ant, thou sluggard (Proverbs VI, 6-9) | |
Proverbs 4:18-19
Path of the Just (1966) [SATB a cappella] | |
Proverbs 27:2-3|27:23-24|26:27|14:27 Fountain of Life (1967) [SATB a cappella] | |
Fruit of the Vine (1976) [SATB a cappella] ? | |
Psalms | |
Psalm 130 De Profundis Clamavi (193?) [voice/piano] | |
Brazilian Psalm: Psalmo Brasileiro (1941)
[SATB a cappella] - Alleluia | |
Psalm 8 Glory and Honor (1948) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 13 (1948) [SSATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 150
Praise Ye the Lord (1948)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 95
O Come Let Us Sing Unto the Lord (1954)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 102
My Days Are Like an Evening Shadow
(1957) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 136:1|147:9-11
Thank Ye the Lord (1957)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Two Motets (1957) [SATB a cappella] Psalm 100: Shout to the Lord Psalm 121: I lift up my eyes | |
Psalm 128 Blessed Is Every One That Feareth the Lord (1958) [SATB/piano/soprano solo] | |
Psalm 105 O Give Thanks unto the Lord (1958) [SSATTB a cappella] | |
Two Psalms (1958) [chorus/string orchestra/(2 pianos ?)] Psalm 140 Psalm 146 | |
Psalm 24 Lift Up Your Heads (1959) [SSATBB a cappella (or SSAATTBB/3 trumpets/organ (1973)] | |
Psalm 145
The eyes of All Wait Upon Thee (1959) [SATB a cappella]
s.a. | |
Psalm 23
Lord Is My Shepherd (1960)
[SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 57 in Three Movements (1960) [SATB/piano, organ or brass quartet] 1 Vs. 1-3 2 Vs. 4 and 6 3 Vs. 5, 7-11 | |
Psalm 130
De Profundis Clamavi (1960) [four-part chorus (div.) of mixed voices a cappella/ soprano solo ad lib.] | |
Psalm 42 My Soul, O Wherefore Dost Thou Bow (1961?) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 86 (1961) [SATB/piano] 1 Bow down, O Lord, thine ear 2 Amongst the gods 3 O God, the proud | |
Psalm 95:1-2 (Vulgate) Cantate Domino (1961) [SATB] | |
Psalm 121
I to the Hills Lift up Mine Eyes (1961) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 130 Lord, from the Depth I Cried to Thee (1961?) [SATB a cappella] | |
From the Bay Psalm Book (1640) (1962/1980) [SATB a cappella] Psalm 23: The Lord to me a shepherd is Psalm 47: Clap hands, all people Psalm 86.1-7: Bow down, O Lord, thine ear Psalm 86.8-13: Amongst the gods, O Lord Psalm 100: Make ye a joyful noise (1980) Psalm 113: The Lord praise ye (1980) Psalm 117: All nations, praise the Lord (1980) Psalm 121: I to the hills lift up my eyes (1978) Psalm 150: Praise ye the Lord | |
Psalm 16 Preserve Me, O God (1962) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 100
O Sing All Ye Lands (1962) [SATB a cappella] Includes Berger's hymn setting (p. [2]) in close score. English words, translated from the Norwegian, based on Psalm 100. [words] Ulrik V. Koren ; tr. Harriet R.K. Spaeth. | |
Psalm 45 Why Art Thou Cast Down, O My Soul? (1963) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 67 Let the People Praise Thee, O God (1963) [SATB/2 trumpets] | |
Psalm 84 How Amiable Are Thy Tabernacles (1963) [SSAATTBB/organ/handbells] | |
Psalm 113 (1963) [SATB/brass quartet/timpani] | |
Psalm 117 O Praise the Lord All Ye Nations (1963) [SATB/tambourine/castanets/handbells] | |
Psalm 24:3, 4 & 6 Blessing and Righteousness (1964) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 50:8-11
Wake Psaltery and Harp (1964) [SATB/Organ/Trumpet ad lib.] "The words of the mixed chorus (II) are those of the King James version of Psalm 50: 8-11; the words of the treble chorus come from the Bay Psalm Book translation of the same psalm." | |
Psalm 122 Let Us Go into the House of the Lord (1964) [SATB a cappella] | |
Pennyworth of Mirth (1965) [SATB a cappella]
Words from English & Chinese proverbs & Psalm 30:5 | |
Psalm 141 Sing Praises Unto Our God (1965) [SATB/brass quartet] | |
Three Introits (1966) [SATB a cappella] - Be glad in the Lord (Psalm 32:11) - Show me Thy ways (Psalm 25:4,5) - The Lord is my strength (Psalm 28:7) | |
Psalm 34
Glorify the Lord with Me (1966) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 92
It Is Good to Give Thanks (1967) [SATB/organ ad lib.] | |
Psalm 103:15-16
As For Man (1969) [SATB a cappella] - As For Man | |
Psalm 136:1-9,26
It Is Good to Give Thanks (1970) [SATB/children's voices/2 flutes/organ ad. lib.] | |
Perti, Giacomo Antonio (1661-1756) Jean Berger as editor Psalm 100|121 Two Motets (1970) [our-part chorus of mixed voices/organ accompaniment (ad lib.)] - Stella ista sicut flamma - Regina coeli | |
Psalm 90
Of Life (a choral cycle) (1973) [SATB/soloist/instrumental accompaniment: double bass/xylophone/flute/tambourine/timpani] - The day[s] of our years | |
Perti, Giacomo Antonio (1661-1756) Jean Berger as editor Psalm 112 Beatus Vir (1973) [SATB/organ] | |
Psalm 37 Cease from Anger (1976) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 145 Great is the Lord (1976) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 28:7|31:24
Lord Is My Strength (1977)
[SATB/2 trumpets] | |
Psalm 145
Lord Is Good to All (1977) [SATB a cappella/opt. finger cymbals] | |
Psalm 105:1-3 O Give Thanks unto the Lord (1978) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 107:1|113:1,5 O Give Thanks unto the Lord (1978) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 96
Sing Ye to the Lord (1979) [solo voice/unison chorus/2 trumpets] | |
Psalm 27 Lord Is My Light (1980) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 133 How Good It Is (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 139 If I Flew to the Point of Sunrise (1981) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 62
Leave It All Quietly To God (1982) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 24 Earth Is the Lord's (1983) [SA/organ] | |
Psalm 84 Blessed Are They That Dwell in Thy House (1983) [SATB/organ] | |
Psalm 84:4-5,7,RSV,alt. Blessed Are They (1983) [mixed chorus (SATB with divisi)/organ/2 timpani B♭ and F ad lib.] | |
Psalm 122
Peace Be Within Thy Walls (1983) [SATB/organ] | |
Psalm 59
I Will Sing of Your Might (1985) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 43 Hope in God (1986) [SATB a cappella] | |
Psalm 2:1,3,9
Messianic Songs (1988) [voice/string quartet] - Why do the nations so furiously rage together | |
Psalm 113 Song of Praise (1989) [SATB/3 trumpets] | |
Psalm 84
Gladness of the Heart (1990) [SATB/alto solo/piano] | |
Psalm 100 Shout to the Lord [SATB a cappella] |
Piano | |
Trova - Embolada (1940) [piano(/harmonica ?] | |
Marche le Carnaval (1943) | |
op 33 Sonatina (1947/9) | |
op 39 Sonata (1947) | |
Six Short Pieces (1948) | |
Trois danses Palestiniennes (1949) | |
op 51 Sonatina (1950) | |
Partita (1952) | |
Memories of Brazil (1977) | |
Baker's Dozen (1980) | |
Country Sketches (1980) - Early morning on the farm - Narrow gauge railroad - Mountain meadow - In days past - Cross country - By the lake - Hayride and horses | |
Sonatina (1980) | |
Four Miniatures (1981) - Spring's in the air - I'll race you - Summer evening stroll - Down the slopes | |
Souvenirs de France (1981) | |
Five Compositions 1 Chórinho 2 Cantiga 3 Samba 4 Cantiga 5 Embolada | |
Nostalgia | |
Ten French Folk Songs | |
Tres Bailecitos | |
Trois Impromptus | |
Diversions For Keyboard (1979) [piano or harpsichord] | |
More Diversions for Keyboard (1980) [piano or harpsichord] | |
Seven Inventions (1980) [piano or harpsichord] | |
Sonata (1952) [2 pianos] | |
Sonatina (1957) [2 pianos] | |
Caribbean Cruise (1979) [2 pianos, 4 hands] | |
[orgeno] | |
Jerusalem, My Happy Home: Chorale prelude [Ms] |
Piano "plus" | |
Duo Concertant (1940) [violin/piano] | |
Sonatina (1948) [violin/piano] | |
Suite (1958) [harpsichord/piano] | |
Three Brazilian Dances (1975) [treble instrument/piano] | |
Suite (1947) [flute/piano] | |
Suite (1949) [2 flutes/piano] | |
Trois Esquisses (1944) [alto/piano/string instruments] | |
Concertino (1948) [piano/chamber orchestra] | |
Sonata da Camera (1949) [oboe/piano] | |
Toadinha = A little song [oboe/piano] | |
Sonata Concertante (1952) [2 pianos/string orchestra] |
Cetera | |
Four Inventions [2 violins] | |
Three Impromptus: Diversion (1980) [violin/viola] | |
Four Bagatelles (1981) [violin/viola] | |
Three Duets for Like or Mixed Treble Instruments (1967) [treble instruments] | |
Divertimento (1955) [3 treble instruments; may be performed by various combinations of the following treble instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, violin] | |
Partita (1952) [woodwind quintet] | |
Six Short Pieces (1959) [woodwind quintet] | |
Diversion (1982) [3 trombones] | |
Intrada (1957) [Brass Quartet] | |
Entrée-Ballet [Brass Quintet] | |
Suite from Le Trésor d'Orphée [Brass: cornets/horns/trombones/tubas 2 kornetter/2 horn/2 tromboner/barytonhorn og tuba/cnt 1/cnt 2/cor 1/cor 2/trb 1/trb 2/euph/tuba] | |
Introduction and Allegro for Unaccompanied Flute [flute] | |
Trio (1952) [flute/viola/cello] | |
Elegy (1974) [string quintet] | |
Diversion (1977) [string quintet] | |
Souvenirs de France [violin/viola/cello] - Auvergne (1:00) - Alsace (0:45) - Bretagne (1:45) - Pays Basque (1:00) - Provence (1:00) | |
Suite (1949) [string orchestra] - Promenade - Air - Sauterie | |
Short Overture (1955) [string orchestra] | |
Square Dance : Hayride (1955) [string orchestra] | |
Petite suite (1958) [string orchestra] - Andante, Allegretto grazioso | |
Divertissement (1960) [string orchestra] | |
Boulderollicks (1964) [string orchestra] 1 Boulderondo 2 Boulderair 3 Bouldereel | |
Three Dances (1977) [string orchestra (string quintet ?)] - Farandole - Sarabande - Ronde | |
Sinfonietta (1977) [string orchestra/solo stringed instruments] | |
Three Pieces for Strings (1989) [string orchestra] | |
Caribbean Concerto (1940) [violin/orchestra] | |
Caribbean Concerto (1941) [harmonica/orchestra] | |
Concertino (1948) [harmonica/string orchestra] | |
Concert Piece (1942) [2 flutes/string orchestra] | |
Sonata da Camera (1949) [oboe/string orchestra] | |
Caribbean Concerto [2 trumpets/orchestra] | |
Sinfonia di San Petronio (1951) [3 trumpets/ string (quintet) orchestra] | |
Creole Overture (1947) [orchestra] | |
Sinfonietta (1947) [orchestra] | |
Short Symphony (1952) [orchestra] | |
Bailada (1949) [band] | |
Papou (1951) [Oper] | |
Cuck-a-cadoo (1953) [Operetta] | |
Pied Piper (1968) [Play with Music] |
- 61814213 - 74118090
- 135260337
- viaf-74118090 - lccn-n81140135 - lccn-n79012133 - np-berger,%20jean
- Musicalics
- Song Texts & Translations
- Songs of Jean Berger: 1909-2002. Melanie Emelio, soprano; Barbara Thiagarijian, piano. (Albany; 64:13)
- 1 disque : 33 t ; 17 cm
AIR DE LAURETTE: Carco, Francis: Le retour / Verhaeren, Emile: Arbre / Fombeure, Maurice: Ma maison / Hugo, Victor: Elle avait pris ce pli / Montesquieu: Les Caprices de la mode / Baudelaire, Charles: L'homme et la mer / La Bruyère, Jean de: Giton Tamar, Maria & Berger, Jean