Piano "plus" |
Sonata [Flute/Oboe/Bassoon/Piano]
Trio [vl/vc/pf]
Quartet [Violin/Viola/Cello/Piano]
Pastorale e fughetta
[flute/viola/piano (harpsichord)]
Elegia [Flute/Violoncello/Piano]
Concertino (1966)
Sestetto Pro Gemini [Flute/Oboe/Violin/Viola/Cello/Piano]
Sonata a Sei [Flute/Oboe/Violin/Viola/Cello/Piano]
Variations on two Cantigas de Santa Maria
[flute/oboe/bassoon/violoncello/harpsichord (or piano)]
Octet [fl/ob/cl/bsn/vn/vla/vc/pf]
Vecchi, Orazio (1550-1605) |
Variations on "So ben mi ch'a bon tempo"
[violino] |
Capriccio [violin/piano]
Concerto Du Loup [Violine/Klavier]
Concerto Giannetto
[Violin/Piano (Reduction)]
Sonata Breve [Violin/Piano (Harpsichord)]
Sonata Concertante [Violine/Klavier]
Variazioni sopra un tema cinese (1922)
(sulla scala di cinque note) [Violine/Klavier]
[klarneto] |
Romanza Lidica [Klarinette/Klavier]
[arĉkvarteto "plus"] |
Quintet [String Quartet/Piano]
Sestetto Tripartito
[2 Violins/2 Violas/Cello/Piano]
Sestetto Novello [Flute/String Quartet/Piano]
[Flute/Oboe/String Quartet/Harpsichord Obbligato]
Spiccata [Flute/String Quartet/Piano]
Momenti Variati
[Wind Quartet/String Quartet/Piano]
[(ĉambro) orkestro "plus"] |
Album for Helena [Harpsichord/Chamber Orchestra]
Concertina Novella [Piano/Chamber Ensemble]
Concerto [Harpsichord/Orchestra]
Concerto [2P/Orchestra]
Concerto 2 [Piano/Chamber Orchestra]
Concerto 3
[Piano/Chamber Orchestra]
Konzert (1926)
[Klavier/Orchester: 2 2 2 3 - 4 2 0 0 - Pk - Str]
Madrigale. Quatre parties pour 12 musiciens
[ - - pno -]
(Œuvre en location)
Concerto Triplo [Violin/Viola/Piano/Orchestra]
Cetera |
Canon, Tango and Burlesque [?]
Silografie. Cinque pezzi (1968)
[legni: flute/oboe/clarinet/horn/bassoon]
= Woodcuts. [five woodwinds]
Incisioni = Engravings
[brass quintet: 2 trumpets/horn/2 trombones]
Sonata a Sei [Orchestra]
Octet [?]
Nonetto [?]
Sonata a Dieci [Chamber Orchestra]
Dodicetto [Chamber Orchestra]
[arĉkvarteto] |
Quartetto 3
Quartetto 4
Quartetto 5
Quartetto 6
Quartetto 7
Quartetto 8
Quartetto 9
Quartetto 10
Quartetto 11
[(ĉambro) orkestro "plus"] |
Cinquina da Camera [Chamber Orchestra]
Concertino pro San Luca [Chamber Orchestra]
Concerto du Loup [kleines Orchester]
Congedo [Chamber Orchestra]
Corale, Variazioni e Finale [Orchestra]
Enharmonic Variations [Chamber Orchestra]
Enigma Sinfonico [Chamber Orchestra]
Improviso Tripartito [Streichorchester]
Introduzione e gioco delle ore (1953)
[Orchestra: 2(pic)222/4231/timp/str]
La Fontaine. Cinq Fables. Suite
[Chamber Orchestra]
Marchant Suite [Chamber Orchestra]
Nocturne [cordes]
d’après Le Quatuor À Cordes En Fa Majeur
Pasticcio (Chess Serenade)
[Orchestra: 1121/2210/timp.perc/pf/str]
Pastoral Dream [Orchestra]
Second Avenue Waltzes [Chamber Orchestra]
Sinfonietta [Chamber Orchestra]
Spiccata [Orchestra]
Tre Contrasti Sinfonici [Chamber Orchestra]
Tre Improvisi [Chamber Orchestra]
Verdiana [Chamber Orchestra]
Concerto [Violin/Chamber Orchestra]
Dittico [Violin/Chamber Orchestra]
Serenata [Violino/Piccola Orchestra]
Concerto [Cello/12 Instruments (?)]
Concerto 2 [Cello/Orchestra]
Concerto (1923)
[Flöte/Oboe/Klarinette/ Fagott/Horn/Orchestra: 2 Trp/Pk/Str]
Concerto [String Quartet/Orchestra]
[simfonio] |
Sinfonia 1 (1929) [Orchester]
[3 3 3 3 - 4 3 3 1 - Schl - Str]
Sinfonia 2 [Orchestra]
Sinfonia 4 = Sinfonia tripartita, (1942)
[Large Orchestra: 2112/2220/perc/str]
Sinfonia 5 (1945)
[Large Orchestra: 2222/4330/perc/str]
Sinfonia 6 [Orchestra]
Sinfonia 7 [Orchestra]
Sinfonia 8 [Orchestra]
Sinfonia 9 [Chamber Orchestra]
Sinfonia 10 [Orchestra]
Sinfonia 11 [Orchestra]
[baleto] |
L’Arca di Noè. Suite from the ballet (1923)
[Orchestra: 3 3 4 3 - 6 3 3 1 - Schl - Cel, Klav - Str]
Caprice = Capers
Conundrum. Ballet (1961)
[3+pic.222/4331/timp.perc/hp/str (o. 2121/2110/timp.perc/pf/str)]
Hippolyte. Ballett [Orchester]
Hippolyte. Ballett-Suite [Orchester]
Indiana. Ballet Suite [Orchestra]
Kaleidoscope. Ballet [Small = Chamber Orchestra]
Scenes Seen. Ballet Suite [Orchestra]
Hoffmann, Rudolf Stephan (1878-1931) |
Barabau. Pantomime in 1 Akt (Ballett) (1925)
[SATB/2 0 2 1 - 1 1 1 1 - Pk/Rahmentr, Str.]
Barabau-Suite (1925)
[Orchester: 2 0 2 1 - 1 1 1 1 - Pauken und Kleine Trommel, Str.]
Kochno, Boris (1904-1990) |
Der Ball. Ballett in 2 Bildern
[3 3 3 3 - 4 3 3 1 - Pk, Schl(2), Str]
[opero] |
Garcia-Lorca, Federico (1898-1936) |
Don Perlimplin. Opera (1952)
[Alto, Baritone, Mezzo Soprano, Soprano/SATB chorus/2222/4220/timp.perc/hp.cel(pf)/str (o. 1121/2210/timp.perc/hp.cel(pf)/str)]
reduced orchestration:
Don Perlimplin. Prologue from the Opera (1952)
[Large Orchestra: 2222/4220/timp.perc/str]
Nicolas, Claire (?-?) |
Clough-Leighter, Henry (1874-1956) |
The Pet Shop. Opera
{orkestraĵoj / arranĝaĵoj} |
Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835) |
The Night Shadow. Ballett (1941)
on Themes by Bellini (La Sonnambula)
[Orchester: 2222/4230/perc/str]
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643) |
Sonata sopra "Sancta Maria" (1926)
[Frauenchor SA (unisono)/Streicher (ohne Va)/2 Trompeten/3 Posaunen]