
Nur die Kunst und die Wissenschaft erhöhen den Menschen bis zur Gottheit.
... Wahre Kunst bleibt unvergänglich.
 (Beethoven, 1770-1827)

Csonka, Paul

*1905/10/24 @ A - Salzburg
†1995/11/24 @ USA - FL - Palm Beach

… as accused of being a spy by the US government, and contemplated assassinating Fidel Castro when settling in Cuba.
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Biographisches etc.:

Werkverzeichnis(se) etc.:

Concierto de Navidad [Frauenchor (SSAA)/Harfe]
[4 pt tr cho kybd] [Harp]
Cantata De Semana Santa
[soprano or alto soloist/string quartet or string orchestra]
La nana : Christmas bye-lo [chorus (SATB)]
traditional Spanish Christmas carol ; arr. by Paul Csonka ; English version by Lorraine Noel Finley
{ ? }
Piano "plus" 
Cubano concerto 1
[, Pk, Schlzg, Cel, Hrf, Str, Solo-Klav]

[, Schlzg, Klav, Str; Soli: Ob, Fg]
Cubano concerto 2 [, Pk, Schlzg, 2 Klav, Hrf, Str, Solo-Vl]
[, Pk, Klav, Akk, 2 Git, Str, Solo-Vc]

Phantastic variations
[, Pk, Schlzg, Klav, Cel, Hrf, Str]
Santa Lucia-Variationen
[2/, Pk, Schlzg, Gl, Hrf, Cel, Klav, Str]
French Suite [Fl/Ob, 2 Kl, Fg/Basskl]
[Flute/Oboe and 3 Clarinets or 4 Recorders]
Prisma sinfonico
[, Pk, Str]
Sinfonietta [StrOrch]
Ten symphonic etudes
[, Pk, Schlzg, Cel, Hrf, Str]
