
Nur die Kunst und die Wissenschaft erhöhen den Menschen bis zur Gottheit.
... Wahre Kunst bleibt unvergänglich.
 (Beethoven, 1770-1827)

Bosmans, Henriëtte

*1895/12/6 @ NL - Amsterdam
†1952/7/2 @ NL - Amsterdam

Frieda Belinfante (left) sits at a table with her partner in their home at Hendrik Jacobszstraat in Amsterdam.
Henriette Bosmans, a well-known composer and pianist, was the partner of Frieda Belinfante for seven years.
(Unknown - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
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Biographisches etc.:

Werkverzeichnis(se) etc.:

Ave Maria
10 Mélodies [medium voice/pf]
1 La Chanson des marins halés
2 Le regard éternel
3 La chanson fatale
Bierbaum, Otto Julius (1865-1910)
Schmied Schmerz (1927) [voice/pf]
Buning, J.W.F. Werumeus (1891-1958)
Teeken den hemel in het zand der zee (1917) [voice/pf]
Drie brieven (1947) [voice/pf]
Maria Lecina. Verzen (1950) [voice/pf]
Een lied voor Spanje om op te marcheren (1951)
[mezzo-sopr or alto/pf]
Désaugiers, Marc Antoine Madeleine (1772-1827)
Les médisants (1951) [medium voice/pf]
orchestrated version by Willem Strietman available with Donemus
Eggink, Clara (1906-1991)
Doodenmarsch (1944) [recit/2222 3300 perc str]
Piano reduction available from Netherlands Music Institute archive registration number 024/127
Eluard, Paul (1895-1952)
Je ne suis pas seul (1950) [voice/pf]
Fort, Paul (1872-1960)
Le diable dans la nuit (?)
[medium voice/pf]
orchestrated version by Willem Strietman available from Donemus
Trois chansons de l'amour marin (1949) [voice/pf]
Vier liederen (1949) [voice pf]
10 Mélodies [medium voice/pf]
4 Complainte du petit cheval blanc
Geraldy, Paul (1885-1983)
Meditation (en forme de Valse) (1949) [voice/pf]
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856)
Im Mondenglanze ruht das Meer
Die heil'gen drei Könige aus Morgenland (1935)
Das macht den Menschen glücklich (1951)
Belsazer (1936)
[alt 3222 4220 timp perc cel hp str]
Holst, Adriaan Roland (1888-1976)
Dit eiland (1947) [voice/pf]
In den regen (1947) [voice/pf]
Jouy, Jules (1855-1897)
La chanson du chiffonier (1950) [voice/pf]
Li Tai Po (701-762)
Liebestrunken (1927) [voice/pf]
Mazade, Fernand (1861-1939)
L'anneau (1951) [medium voice/pf]
orchestrated version by Willem Strietman available from Donemus
Chanson (1951) [voice/pf]
Moréas, Jean (1856-1910)
La comtesse Esmérée (1950] [voice/pf]
Musset, Alfred de (1810-1857)
Beau chevalier (1920) [sopr or alt or ten/pf]
Newman, Kardinaal H.C. (1801-1890)
Lead, kindly light (1945) [voice/orch]
Ponchon, Raoul (1848-1937)
Rondel (1951) [medium voice/pf]
orchestrated version by Willem Strietman available from Donemus
Prévert, Jacques (1900-1977)
Chanson (?) [sopr or alt or ten/pf]
Chanson des escargots qui vont a l'enterrement (1950) [sopr or alt or ten/pf]
Le Sultan (1950) [voice/pf]
On frappe (1950) [voice/pf]
Pour toi mon amour (1950) [voice/pf]
Prudhomme, Sully (1839-1907)
Ici-bas (?) [voice/pf]
Schreiner, Olive (1855-1920)
Dreams. The artists secret (1948) [voice/pf]
Schurer, Fedde (1898-1968)
Daar komen de Canadezen (1945) [voice/pf]
Orchestration (sketch) available Netherlands Music Institute archive registration number 024/122
Gebed (1945) [voice/pf]
Thu-Fa (Tu Fu) (712-770)
Der Kaiser (1927) [voice/pf]
Vacaresco, Hélene (1864-1947)
On ne sait rien (1951) [voice/pf]
Verdet, André (1913-2004)
Aurore (1950) [voice/pf]
op 18.3 Automne (1950) [sopr or ten/pf]
Le naufrage (1950) [medium voice/pf]
orchestrated version by Willem Strietman available with Donemus
Verhaeren, Emile (1855-1916)
Pieusement (1921) [voice/pf]
Les deux enfants de roi (1949) [voice/pf]
Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896)
Mon rêve familier (1921) [voice/pf]
Vries, Hendrik de (1896-1989)
Copla (1950) [sopr mezzo-sopr/pf]
Fantasie over een wals van Johann Strauss Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (?)
Irish tune from County Derry (?)
Prelude (?)
Drie Klavierstukken (1914)
Drie Klavierstukken (1914)
Fantasiestück (1914)
Prelude (1917)
Prelude (1917)
Prelude (1917)
Danse Exotique (1918)
Prelude (1918)
Prelude (1918)
Vieille chanson (1948)
Piano "plus" 
Intermezzo (?) [vl/pf]
Vijf voordrachtstukken (1915) [vl/pf]
Ariëtta (1917) [vl/pf]
Sonate (1918) [vl/pf]
Sonate (1919) [vc/pf]
Poème (1920) [vc/pf]
Trio (1921) [vl vc pf]
Gavotte (1926) [vl/vc/pf]
Trois impressions (1926?) [vc/pf]
Mvmt 1 2 3
Concertino (1928)
[2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 3trp 2trb perc hp str(]
Nocturne (1921) [vc/hp] [vc/pf]
Concerto en Ré (1922) [vc/orch]
manuscript contains piano reduction
Concerto 2 (1923) [vc/orch]
Poème (1923)
[pic 2fl 3ob 3cl 3fg 4h 2trp 3trb tb timp perc hp str(]
Quartet (1927) [2vl/vla/vc]
Concertstuk (1929)
[fl(pic) cl fg 2sax h trp trb perc pf str/fl-solo]
Concertstuk (1934) [vl/orch]
Piano Reduction:

